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Publish Time:2019-11-18 From: 【Size:S M L

WANG Enge, First-term Chairman of Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers

From October 17 to 18, 2019, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the city of Beijing co-hosted the Third Conference of International Science Centers by the beautiful Yanqi Lake in Huairou, Beijing. During the October 17 afternoon session, 17 representatives of science centers from the eight countries of China, Germany, Britain, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, Netherlands and Sweden held a roundtable meeting to discuss the details for the establishment of the Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers (GCASC, the Alliance). After in-depth exchanges and extensive discussions, the representatives voted unanimously to pass the Charter of the Alliance and signed to join the Alliance. I am honored to be elected as the first-term chairman of the Alliance. 

The Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers is an alliance of science centers, national laboratories and science cities around the world. According to the Charter of the Alliance, it is an international non-governmental, non-confidential and non-profit organization for scientific and technological collaboration. The Alliance is for peaceful ends only. It will strive to be an important platform for multilateral collaboration among members. 

The establishment of GCASC is a demonstration of the worldwide trend of ever-strengthening cross-border academic cooperation. We are confident that the Alliance will play an important role in building an international scientific and technological community for world peace and prosperity. 

Let us work together for the success of the Alliance!

WANG Enge, First-term Chairman of Global Cooperation Alliance of Science Centers


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